Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.....

WE GOT A SHOP!!?!??!?!?!!!!

It all happened a little suddenly, but after a nice afternoon by the seaside we stubbled across an empty shop on the Old High Street in Folkestone… It looked kinda perfect, so we applied to the Creative Foundation. This is me checking out the empty shop….

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After an interview we won the shop and it was a manic rush to get the workshop moved! Here’s tnhe day we got the keys! Exciting! Then in was measuring and ordering in furniture…

Then it was flat pack heaven! So much flat pack building… the Hounds were not impressed! Although they forgave us when they discovered their duvet bed in the kitchen!

The furniture coming together! Fuelled by the lovely local fish and chips and handmade ice-lollies…yum! And Bertha moves in….

The sign goes up and the doors open!

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Hannah Richardson