LFCC 2018

What a brilliant show! We had so much fun meeting everyone...  plenty of jewellery pieces came back to visit us too which is awesome! We were located along the back wall of the Grand Hall... which seemed a little tucked away, but people still came to find us. We had plenty of new designs launching at this show...including Battlestar Galactica Toasters, Monty Python Trojan Rabbits and X files... the 'geeky fruit bowl' also proved popular! (...More Cabin Pressure heading your way!)

We were opposite the lovely 'Feel the Force Day' stand and we loved watching everyone climb into the life sized action figure box (we even had a go ourselves when we had a free minute!) Great fun and a lovely way to donate to a great cause. Check out their event at : www.feeltheforceday.com

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I (Little R..) also had a chance to fulfil a teenage ambition... to meet Fox Mulder! I've been an X- Files fan since my teenage years so it was wonderful to finally meet David Duchovny...even if it was briefly! (Look at my crazy stalker face!!!?!?!)

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We also played a game with the wonderful Python Knights Cosplayers... we were 'Keepers of the most Holy Grail' for the weekend. Find the grail, take a photo... locate the KIng and his knights and he will ask you the questions three.... if you get them correct, the Python based prize is yours ......with much rejoicing! We had the grail all weekend, and there was a winner! Thanks to the Python Knights for making the Con so much fun! If your a Python fan, then do check out their facebook group : www.facebook.com/groups/1789455251303198/

All in all, a fantastic (if exhausting) weekend... but we love Comic Con!

Roll on Nineworlds in two weeks time!